CVC-TC Business Update

During the February 24, 2022, Annual Meeting of the Corporate Volunteerism Council – Twin Cities, members were presented with a proposal to approve 3 items.

Attendee and non-attendee members were emailed to also have the opportunity to vote via an online survey. The motions were accepted, seconded, and approved by the necessary quorum which was recorded and reported by Jennifer Carlson, Association Manager, CVC-TC.

The 3 items are:

  1. Approve altering the CVC-TC By-Laws - In Article IV (Membership), Section 8 this text was removed “If a board or committee member should lose member status, the Executive Committee has authority to allow that person to maintain the position and fulfill their term.” And replaced with “All board members, regardless of organization member status, are eligible to serve three, two-year terms, with board service subject to approval by a majority of the board on an annual basis.”
  2. Approve the 2021 financial recap and 2022 proposed budget
  3. Approve the 2022 board slate
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